
On October 14, 15 and 16, the CSTB will meet with stakeholders in building acoustics and the urban sound environment at this event organized by the Centre for Noise Information and Documentation (CDTC), under the patronage of the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, held at the Lyon Convention Center.

Show space

At its stand, the CSTB will present its three key activities in the area of acoustics of building components, structures and the larger city and communities.
Demonstrations will be given of the AcouBAT, AcouSYS, MithraSIG, MithraREM and MithraSON software by CSTB and Geomod experts.

  • Meet the CSTB at its stand: No. 9 (Place Haute).

You can also see a demonstration of the AcouBAT and AcouSYS software on the CSTB software website.

Meeting space

The CSTB is participating in several workshops:

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Vibrations in the environment – Workshop 7 / Room 3 – 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Led by Michel Villot, expert in building acoustics and vibrations in the Health & Comfort Department of the CSTB

This workshop addresses environmental vibrations and the noise they cause (structure-borne noise).

Several topics will be covered:

  • Railway vibration, studied in two recently-completed European projects—RIVAS and CARGOVIBES— which helped make advances in the means to attenuate vibrations at the source, the prediction of vibrational and sound exposure in residences and indicators related to noise exposure;
  • Vibrations and structure-borne noise generated by buses, characterized by very low frequencies;
  • Vibrations at worksites, particularly subway construction sites.

Participants: Estelle Bongini of SNCF, Denis Bozzetto of Acouphen, Guillaume Coquel of RATP and Frédric Delafosse of Soldata Acoustic

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Acoustics of 21st-century buildings – Part 1 – Workshop 10 / Room 2, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Led by Philippe Guignouard, LASA, CINOV Acoustique GIAc

Buildings of the 21st century will not necessarily look like those of the 20th because of new user requirements, new products, new standards, new indicators, new modeling tools, BIM and other factors.
Through testimonials and practical experience, both workshops will take stock of what is changing in building acoustics. And much time will be devoted to discussion between participants and visitors.

Participants: Marc Andro of Gamba Acoustique, Nicolas Balanant of Association Qualitel, Jean-Louis Baumier of A Pas de Velours, Jean-Baptiste Chéné of the CSTB and Olivier Servonnat of Acouphen

Tools for sustainable development of the urban soundscape – Workshop 13 / Room 1 / 2:30 to 4:00 p.m.
Led by Jérôme Defrance, the CSTB
Reporter: Marie-Paule Thaveau, Cerema

Regarding reducing transportation noise, the technical and regulatory framework in France dates from 1970–1990 and is primarily intended for major roads and railways connecting cities.

Indicators (such as Leq), assessment and prediction methods (developed for a so-called “long-term” approach) and accepted limit values are irrelevant when considering urban issues characterized by densification, living environments and multifunctional shared public spaces. Regulations mainly seek to reduce noise levels inside housing units, while recent research shows that having relatively quiet outdoor spaces (gardens, balconies, parks, squares, walking areas, etc.) greatly reduces the adverse health effects of noise experienced by city dwellers.
Based on this observation, the workshop will discuss recent innovations specific to sustainable development of the urban soundscape.

Participants: Denis Bozzetto of Acouphen, Laurent Droin of Soldata Acoustic, Bruno Vincent of Acoucité, Jacques Martin of the CSTB, and Solène Marry of ADEME