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Supporting the stakeholders of construction and urban planning

Étienne Crépon
Chief executive officer of the CSTB
Developing sustainable buildings and cities in favor of community life means adopting more comprehensive approaches and rethinking the resilience of buildings and cities.
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A word from
Status of issues in the construction and urban planning sector concerning to the role, ambitions and work of the CSTB
Sylvie Ravalet
Deputy General Manager,
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Building strategies and programs that promote “integrated urban planning” upstream and during project design, deeply rooted in the territory and integrating environmental techniques.
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Hervé Charrue
Deputy CEO in charge of Research and Development
Identify problems in all their complexity to address them completely by engaging in numerous scientific partnerships with universities and major research organizations and centers.
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Developing buildings and the sustainable city for living well together
The sustainable city, with its buildings, is attractive and designed in harmony with its territory to enable users to live well together and is resilient to cope with changes in the environment, society and technologies.
1 Improving the quality of ambient conditions
1 Improving the quality of ambient conditions
A comprehensive approach to improving air quality and comfort in buildings
The CSTB is guiding construction stakeholders toward buildings that promote the health and well-being of their users. Tools and expertise are now available to predict indoor air quality and comfort in enclosed spaces and design buildings based on their uses.
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2 Guiding the growth of the built environment to overcome climate change
2 Guiding the growth of the built environment to overcome climate change
Analyzing climate hazards and associated risks
The increased severity and frequency of hazardous weather patterns is affecting the safety and quality of life in many regions. As a key player in risk mitigation research, the CSTB assesses the impact of changing weather patterns on the built environment and its users.
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2 Guiding the growth of the built environment to overcome climate change
“Nature-based solutions” for more resilient cities?
Climate change and increasing urbanization: studying nature as a means of resilience for metropolitan areas.
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3 Speeding up renovation of the building stock
3 Speeding up renovation of the building stock
Bolstering estate management strategy with BIM
Signed for three years, the partnership with CDC Habitat, the largest operator in France, with 512,000 housing units managed, aims to advance knowledge, skills and procedures related to construction, renovation and management of the residential housing stock.
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3 Speeding up renovation of the building stock
PROFEEL: 9 challenges in energy renovation
Led by the Construction Quality Association (AQC) and the CSTB, PROFEEL brings together nine research projects to provide innovative, operational and effective solutions to all stakeholders in renovation: building owners and occupants, industry professionals, property managers and operators.
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4 Increasing construction reliability
4 Increasing construction reliability
Guiding new ways to build
How do you improve reliability when constructing complex and impressive structures like tunnels and bridges? How do you make sure their behavior is consitent over time, anticipating sizing based on the multiple stresses they may sustain after delivery? Two examples studied by the CSTB provide some answers.
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5 Developing the circular economy and resource management
5 Developing the circular economy and resource management
Reuse in construction: challenges and examples
Along with recycling, the development of reuse is a key factor forthe building industry to optimize resource use, waste reduction and greenhouse gas emissions associated with construction processes. This is a major issue because construction produces 46 million metric tons of waste in France every year.
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Certification: competitive advantage for stakeholders
The CSTB Group develops certifications to demonstrate the overall performance of products. Certification: highlighting the key characteristics of construction products and systems, buildings and neighborhoods.
1 Advancing the certification of products and systems
1 Advancing the certification of products and systems
Supporting the selection of certified products based on their uses
The CSTB has created a new way for manufacturers to display the performance of their products and systems, making it easier for clients to choose. Visual identity and pictograms were launched at Idéobain in late 2019 for professionals in sanitary tapware and piping systems.
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2 Developing certification of buildings and neighborhoods
2 Developing certification of buildings and neighborhoods
Certivéa: the first OsmoZ and R2S labels for Icade and Covivio
In 2019, Certivéa, a subsidiary of the CSTB, point of contact for evaluation and certification, and key contributor to achieving the sustainable city, granted the first OsmoZ label to the OPEN Building, headquarters of Icade. It also issued the first R2S-Ready2Services label to Covivio for its office building in Toulouse.
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Training and services around innovation
Against a backdrop of profound changes, training is a driving force for stakeholders in the construction industry and urban planning, enabling them to adapt to new challenges and the need for professionalization.
1 Training and services around innovation
Train stakeholders in the challenges of construction
In 2019, the CSTB offered training courses that were innovative in their teaching method and rich in new content on major emerging themes.
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The CSTB in
The CSTB is a public corporation that serves its clients, partners and the public interest, organizing its activities in research and expertise, assessment, testing, certification and dissemination of knowledge to address the challenges in the energy, environmental and digital transitions in construction and urban development.
2019 Key figures
Operating income
(excluding subsidiaries)
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Organization and teams
The teams and specialties of the CSTB are structured to fulfill the institution's public interest missions and to meet customer and partner needs. As of December 31st, 2019, the total headcount was 954.
The missions and legal organization of the Scientific and Technical Center for Building, a public organization of an industrial and commercial nature, are defined by the French Building Code. The president is appointed by governmental decree.
The Ethics Charter of the CSTB defines the common values and code of conduct embodied in 6 fundamental principles that apply to all CSTB activities.
Corporate social responsibility
The positioning and missions of the CSTB, which focus on making buildings more efficient and respectful of humans and the environment, imply a fundamental and permanent commitment to social responsibility.
Created by: Slumberland

Photo credits


Franck GUIZIOU /
Pierre JACQUES /
Westend 61 /

Images of Étienne Crépon / Sylvie Ravalet / Hervé Charrue

Raphaël Dautigny

"Developing sustainable buildings and cities for living well together"

Franck GUIZIOU /

"Certification: competitive advantage for stakeholders"

Headquarters of Caisse d'Epargne in Bordeaux
Photo : Architecturestudio / Antoine Duhamel photography

"Training and services around innovation"

Florence Joubert

"The CSTB in 2019"

Florence Joubert
For all other images, the credits appear in the captions.
A word from
Sylvie Ravalet
Hervé Charrue
Developing buildings and the sustainable city for living well together
Improving the quality of ambient conditions
A comprehensive approach to improving air quality and comfort in buildings
Guiding the growth of the built environment to overcome climate change
Analyzing climate hazards and associated risks
"Nature-based solutions" for more resilient cities?
Speeding up renovation of the building stock
Support estate management strategies integrating BIM
PROFEEL: 9 challenges in energy renovation
Increasing construction reliability
Guiding new ways to build
Developing the circular economy and resource management
Reuse in construction: challenges and examples
Certification: competitive advantage for stakeholders
Advancing the certification of products and systems
Supporting the selection of certified products based on their uses
Developing certification of buildings and neighborhoods
Certivéa: the first OsmoZ and R2S labels for Icade and Covivio
Training and services around innovation
Train stakeholders in the challenges of construction
The CSTB in 2019
Key figures
Organizations and teams
Corporate social responsibility