

Adaptation of the built environment to climate change in Australia

Sharing with climate change researchers beyond the European network was one of the main aims of the CSTB’s scientific visit to Australia in 2016 hosted by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). One priority: improve adaptation of the built environment exposed to natural hazards, such as strong winds, storms, floods, and heat waves.

While sharing its expertise in climatology, the CSTB learned about Australian methods of dealing with climate risks (storms, floods, heat waves) in neighborhoods and the wider city, including evaluating the cost of potential damage. The CSTB wants to develop simplified calculation tools for determining climate effects on buildings (mechanical loading).

This opening to the international network of excellence is a springboard for advancing scientific research on global warming. For the CSTB, it is also a way to enrich its range of assessments for industrial systems. The CSTB is also increasing its expertise in analyzing the effectiveness and costs of adaptation measures for infrastructure and buildings.

Action conducted as part of the regional implementation of the International Network on Risk Assessment and Climate Change Adaptation for Infrastructure and Buildings (RI-ADAPTCLIM) (2014–17).